Research and Development Projects Program (2022)
AI-LEARN: Learning Analytics for improving the quality of teaching in online educational environments
The objective of the AI-LEARN project is to carry out research and implementation of Educational Data Mining (EDM) techniques and algorithms, resulting in Learning Analytics (LA) to analyze and interpret these data, with the aim of obtaining information to improve educational practice, optimizing the performance of students and teachers, as well as the educational model. The result will be an application that will help students decide their academic training.
For the development of this project Bi4 Group, SLU has received an incentive from CDTI (Center for Technological Development and Innovation) co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The project has also benefited from an incentive granted by CTA.
Execution period:
Start date: 01/08/2022
End date: 01/31/2024